Medicinal Plant - Rauvolfia serpentina

My research work was done at Araku, Andhra Pradesh, India, I worked on some medicinal plants, got priceless information from Araku tribals, this village was chosen to work on my project because of the abundance of medicinal plants on the hills surrounding the village, would like to share some information regarding these plants and uses in my blog.

Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina

Common NamesIndian snakeroot, Serpentine wood, Devil pepper, Sarpagandha, Chandrabagha

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
SpeciesR. serpentina

Rauvolfia serpentina

Habit: Shrub
Description:  It is a shrub, and used as a medicinal plant
Family: Apocynaceae
Useful parts: Tuber, roots, and leaves
Medicinal uses:
This shrub is used for snake bite, fever, stomach pain, insect stings, hypochondria,  insomnia, epilepsy (fits), painful bowel disorder, acne, indigestion, and high blood pressure.
Dosage: Small piece of root is taken and mixed with water for treatment

Chemical constituents:

Reserpine, serpentinine, indobine, serpentine, deserpidine, yohimbine and other chemicals are present

Side-effects: These chemicals may cause drowsiness and dryness of mouth

-Shree Ambica


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