Medicinal Plant - Thevetia peruviana

Scientific name: Thevetia peruviana
Common names: Kaner, Paccha ganneru
Scientific classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Thevetia
Species: T. peruviana

Thevetia peruviana

Habit: Shrub
Description: Its evergreen shrub, leaves possess needle shape in the end. Generally, it has yellow color flowers, sometimes it contains white and orange color flowers. The fruit is small and contains 4 flat seeds
Useful part: Leaves, seeds, and stem
Medicinal uses: It is used as an anti fungal, antibacterial, anti termite properties, antimicrobial and it cures heart diseases and asthma
Dosage: Milk sap containing a compound called thevetin is used as a heart stimulant
Chemical constituents: Thevetin A, thevetin B, oleandrin, neriifolin, ruvoside, perudoside, and thevotoxin.
Side-effects: Thevetin is extremely poisonous, all parts are poisonous especially seeds, it also causes nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and disrhythmias 
(Image Source: Google Image)

-Shree Ambica ✍️


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